Awards & Honors
Since 1987:
Superior Rating in grade VI earned by the top CHS Orchestra in each District Festival performance
- ​Performed by invitation at five Virginia Music Education Conferences
Sales of three CHS Orchestra CD’s have topped $50,000
2024 - Worldstrides Heritage Festival of Music in New York City
2A Orchestra Gold Rating, 3A Orchestra Gold Rating, Two Adjudicator Awards, Outstanding Orchestra, Instrumental Sweepstakes, Invitation extended to both orchestras to participate in next year’s Festival of Gold
2023 - Worldstrides Heritage Festival of Music in Orlando
2A Orchestra Division Champions with a Gold Rating, 3A Orchestra Division Champions with a Gold Rating, Two Adjudicator Awards, Outstanding Orchestra , Maestro Award earned by Lucia Elbaum, Instrumental Sweepstakes, Invitation extended to both orchestras to participate in next year’s Festival of Gold
- Two Gold Medals, First Place AA, First Place AAA, Two Adjudicators’ Awards, Outstanding Orchestra Award, and Instrumental Sweepstakes, WorldStrides Heritage Festival of Music in Williamsburg
Two Gold Medals, Outstanding Orchestra Award, Two Adjudicators’ Awards, and Instrumental Sweepstakes, and overall Grand Championship, WorldStrides Heritage Festival of Music in Atlanta
Two Gold Medals, First Place in AA Division, First Place in AAA Division, Two Adjudicators’ Awards, Outstanding Orchestra Award, two Adjudicators’ Awards, and Instrumental Grand Championship, WorldStrides Heritage Festival of Music in Orlando
Two Superior Ratings, First Place in Division V, First Place in Division VI, Soloist Awards, Adjudicator Award, Overall Orchestra Champions, and Overall Grand Champions, Williamsburg Fiesta-Val
Two Superior Ratings, First Place in Division V, First Place in Division VI, six Soloist Awards, Adjudicator Award, Overall Orchestra Champions, and Overall Grand Champions, Nashville Fiesta-Val
Two Gold Medals, Second Place in AA Division, Second Place in AAA Division, Two Adjudicators’ Awards, and Maestro Award, WorldStrides Heritage Festival of Music in Boston
Two Gold Medals, First Place in AA Division, First Place in AAA Division, Two Adjudicators’ Awards, Outstanding Orchestra Award, two Adjudicators’ Awards, Maestro Award, and Instrumental Grand Championship, WorldStrides Heritage Festival of Music in Annapolis
CHSO String Ensemble performed in Chartres Cathedral, the American Cathedral in Paris, and in Charlottesville’s sister city of Besançon, France
Two Gold Medals, First Place in AA Division, Second Place in AAA Division, Two Adjudicator’s Awards, Best Overall Orchestra, and Instrumental Sweepstakes Award, Worldstrides Heritage Festival of Music in New York City
Two Gold Medals; First Place in AA Division, First Place in AAA Division, Adjudicator’s Award, Instrumental Grand Champions, and Festival Sweepstakes (Grand Champions), Orlando Worldstrides Heritage Festival of Music
Two Superior Ratings; First Place in Division V, First Place in Division VI, and Instrumental Grand Champions, Virginia Beach Fiesta-Val
CHSO String Ensemble performed in the Florence International Youth Festival, as well as Tarquinia and Charlottesville’s sister city, Poggio a Cainano.
Two Gold Medals, First Place in AA Division, and First Place in AAA Division, Overall Orchestra Award, Adjudicators’ Award for top scores, and Festival Sweepstakes (Grand Champions), Boston Heritage Festival of Music
Two Superior Ratings; First Place in Division V, and First Place in Division VI, Myrtle Beach Fiesta-Val
Two Superior Ratings, First Place in Division V, and First Place in Division VI, New York, NY Fiesta-Val
Grand Champions, London Heritage Festival of Music
Two Superior Ratings, First Place in Division V, and Second Place in Division VI, Atlanta Fiesta-Val
Two Superior Ratings and Overall Grand Champions for Orchestra, Caribbean Cruise Music Festival (Bahamas)
Two Superior Ratings, First Place in Division V, First Place in Division VI, Overall Orchestra Champions, and Overall Grand Champions, Virginia Beach Fiesta-Val
One of eight finalists to win $2,000 in the first-ever National Orchestra Festival, sponsored by the American String Teachers Association and National School Orchestra Association, Dallas
Two Gold Medals, First Place in Division AA, First Place in Division AAA, and Orchestra Champions, Boston Heritage Festival
First Place in Division V, First Place in Division VI, two Superior Ratings, Orchestra Champions, and Overall Grand Champions, Myrtle Beach Fiesta-Val
Two Gold Medals, Mid-West Festival of Music, Chicago
Superior Rating, First Place in class and Overall Orchestra Champions, All-American Music Festival, Orlando
Two Gold Medals, New York, NY, Festival of Music
Second Place, International Youth and Music Festival, Vienna, Austria (first place went to a university honors ensemble from Australia.) CHSO’s 10-day European tour included performances in Halstatt, Austria, the Votivekirke in Vienna, and in Krabcice, Czech Republic http://www.gibsondesign.com/eurotour/
First Place in Division V, First Place in Division VI, two Superior Ratings, and Orchestra Champions, Myrtle Beach Fiesta-Val
Superior Rating and Grand Champions, Boston, New England Festival
Received standing ovation for performance at opening concert at Mid-West International Band and Orchestra Clinic, Chicago
First place in Division V, First Place in Division VI, two Superior Ratings, Orchestra Champions, and Overall Grand Champions, Virginia Beach Fiesta-Val
Superior Rating and Overall Orchestra Champions, Atlanta North American Music Festival
First Place in Division V, First Place in Division VI, two Superior Ratings, Orchestra Champions, and Overall Grand Champions, Myrtle Beach Fiesta-Val
Gold Medal, New York, NY, Festival of Music
First Place in Division VI, Superior Rating, and Overall Concert Champions, Williamsburg Fiesta-Val
First Place, Superior Rating, and Orchestra Champions at Myrtle Beach Fiesta-Val
Gold Medal at New York, NY, Festival of Music